Yu-Ting Cheng, Design Researcher/
Looking for Post-Doc Position / Assistant Professor Position
Future Everyday Lab, Double Ph.D. Candidate
between NTUST (Taiwan) & Tu/E (Netherland)
Editor / Funder of Speculatizen (推測居民)
(The first Chinese/Taiwanese online blog about speculative design, design fiction)
Design Researcher,
The profession of Data-Enabled System Design, Human-Data Interaction, Object-Oriented Design, Design Fiction,
Speculation for Future Application
Product Designer,
The profession of Product Identity, Branding,
Conceptual Scenario Making
Yu-Ting Cheng is a double PhD candidate between Industrial Design in TU/e (Eindhoven University of Technology) and NTUST (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology). She focuses on developing design fiction and speculative design related methods in order to studying the emerging future. She had worked in the NTU IoX Center in Taiwan to support the research teams to envision future scenarios for their technologies. Some of her works tried to deploy fictional objects into the field to probe users' behaviours. (Please see Wearable R.I.P on Core77.) She is also an avid blogger, sharing her thoughts in Speculatizen to introduce design fiction to the Chinese community. Her current researches are (1) Designing data privacy for Internet of Things, (2) Studying user's intention through observing traces of things, (3) Studying Sci-fi Movies to speculate new interface possibilities for the intelligent agents.
Yu-Ting Cheng, Mathias Funk, Rung-Huei Liang, Lin-Lin Chen. Seeing through Things: Exploring Design Space of Privacy-Aware Data-Enabled Objects. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI). Just Accepted (December 2022). https://doi.org/10.1145/3577012
Fei (Dillon) Shieh, Yu-Ting Cheng, Renee Noortman, Mathias Funk. Minty Zoo: an interspecies plant-based communication system. In Nordic Human-Computer Interaction Conference (NordiCHI '22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 92, 1–2. https://doi.org/10.1145/3546155.3547295
Yi-Ching (Janet) Huang, Yu-Ting Cheng, Rung-Huei Liang, Jane Yung-Jen Hsu, Lin-Lin Chen. Thing Constellation Visualizer: Exploring Emergent Relationships of Everyday Objects. Proceedings of ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 5, CSCW2, Article 479. https://doi.org/10.1145/3479866. Pre-print version: https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.09448
Yu-Ting Cheng, Yi-Ching (Janet) Huang. When People Vanish: A Study to Investigate How Human Presence Changes the Scenario Speculation. Companion Publication of the 2021 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing(CSCW ’21 Companion), https://doi.org/10.1145/3462204.3481781. Pre-print version: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/354131296_When_People_Vanish_A_Study_to_Investigate_How_Human_Presence_Changes_the_Scenario_Speculation
Matthew Lee-Smith, Tracy Ross, Yu-Ting Cheng, and Mathias Funk. Human-Data Interaction (HDI). the accepted paper for the HDI Workshop in the 2021 Human-Computer Interaction Conference (CHI'21). ACM: New York. http://designresearch.works/chi2021-hdi-workshop/accepted-papers.html
Cheng, Yu-Ting. Awareness of Things: Designing Novel Data for Future Daily Objects. In Proceedings of Doctoral Consortium of the 2020 Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS'DC'19). ACM: New York. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3393914.3395833.
鄭宇婷, 2020,挖掘更多「非人」觀點,觀眾該以何種角色走進生物藝術?(生物藝術/設計書寫群落計畫),刊登於【關鍵評論】。https://www.thenewslens.com/article/136057
Yu-Ting Cheng, Mathias Funk, and Lin-Lin Chen. “Connected Peekaboo Toolkit: Exploring Privacy-Aware Data Collection at Home.” In Data Science Summit 2019, 1, n.d. https://www.tue.nl/en/research/research-areas/data-science/data-science-summit-2019/.
Huang, Yi-Ching (Janet), Cheng, Yu-Ting, Hsu, Jane Yung-Jen, Chen, Lin-Lin. Human-AI Co-Learning for Data-Driven AI. arXiv paper. https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.12544
Huang, Yi-Ching (Janet), Cheng, Yu-Ting, Hsu, Jane Yung-Jen, Chen, Lin-Lin. Human-AI Co-Learning for Data-Driven AI. In Data Science Summit 2019, 1, n.d.
Yu-Ting Cheng, Mathias Funk, Wenn Chieh Tsai, Lin-Lin Chen. Peekaboo cam: Designing an observational system for home ecologies. In Proceedings of the 2019 Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS’19). https://doi.org/10.1145/3322276.3323699. (Acceptance Rate: 20-25%)
Yu-Ting Cheng, Mathias Funk, Wenn Chieh Tsai, Lin-Lin Chen. 2019. Call me by my names: Exploring roles of sci-fi agents. In Proceedings of Extended Abstracts of the 2019 Human-Computer Interaction (CHI'EA'19). ACM: New York. https://doi.org/10.1145/3290607.3313074.
Po-Hao Wang, Yu-Ting Cheng, Wenn Chieh Tsai, Rung Huei Liang. 2019. Flâneur’s phonograph: A flâneur shift in urban exploration. In Proceedings of the 2019 Research through Design (RTD’19). https://research.tue.nl/en/publications/fl%C3%A2neurs-phonograph-a-fl%C3%A2neur-shift-in-urban-exploration
Yu-Ting Cheng, Wenn Chieh Tsai, David Chung, Rung Huei Liang. 2018. Once upon a future: An audio drama game for episodic imagination. In Proceedings of 2018 ACM Conference Companion Publication on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS '18 Companion). ACM: New York. https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3197391.3205429
鄭宇婷、孔博雯、朱千慧、李佳恩、李宜庭、梁容輝,2017,以侘寂為互動素材,探索「時間感現身」的「時間形」設計 (Expanding on Wabi-Sabi as Material to Design Temporal Form)。台灣人機互動學術研討會(TaiCHI),成功大學。 (Best Paper Award / 9%)
Workshop:推測居民x老濟安——明日青草工作坊 (Speculative Design Workshop: Tomorrow Herb)。
Exhibition:性的未來式2.0 油漆未乾 (Sx-Fi 2.0)。參展作品:「動物性愛直播主 - 歐爸の進擊愛」。https://www.facebook.com/events/2566081163662595/
Exhibition: Dutch Design Week. 2019. Project Name: Peeking Everyday.